Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Help: Online-survey and masters thesis on One did it. We are looking for participants

Nehle Hoffer, an environmental science student at the University of Lüneburg, Germany, is writing her masters thesis about She wants to find out what potential web-based feedback-instruments (like our "Backpack Test") have to bring about changes leading to more sustainable lifestyles and resource-efficient consumption patterns.

For this purpose Nehle has created an online survey which addresses the users of It takes less than 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire, but it is essential for the success Nehle's masters thesis that as many users as possible participate in the survey. The questionnaire is available in English and in German.

Please participate in the survey and pass it on to other One did it users that you know.

Nehles masters thesis at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg is partly supervised by the Institute for Environmental & Sustainability Communication, and is thus part of the german federal research project “Material Efficiency and Resource Conservation" (MaRess). MaRess has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environmental Agency.

The aim of the project is to make substantial progress in our knowledge regarding four core questions on increasing material efficiency and conserving resources. If you have questions about the project, feel free to contact Nehle (email: nehlehoffer (at)

After the survey Nehle will raffle off among the participants four Amazon-Vouchers worth 25 euro each.

Unterstützung: TeilnehmerInnen für Online-Umfrage über One did it gesucht

Eine Lüneburger Studentin, Nehle Hoffer, schreibt ihre Diplomarbeit im Fach Umweltwissenschaften über
Sie möchte herausfinden, welches Potential online Feedback-Instrumente (wie unser "Rucksack Test") für die Förderung eines nachhaltigen Lebensstils und ressourcensparenden Konsumverhaltens haben.

Um dies herauszufinden hat Nehle einen Online-Fragebogen entwickelt, der sich an die User von One did it richtet. Das Ausfüllen des Fragebogens dauert keine 10 Minuten und ist für Nehles Diplomarbeit von großer Bedeutung. Der Fragebogen ist in Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar.

Bitte füllt den Fragebogen aus und leitet ihn auch an andere One did it-User weiter.

Nehles Diplomarbeit an der Universität Lüneburg (Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften) ist über das Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) in ein bundesweites Forschungsprojekt zu Ressourceneffizienz und Materialschonung (MaRess) eingegliedert, das vom Bundesumweltministerium und dem Umweltbundesamt in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

Ziel von MaRess ist es, substantielle Wissensfortschritte zu vier Kernfragen für die Steigerung der Materialeffizienz und für die Ressourcenschonung zu erreichen. Falls ihr Fragen zu dem Projekt haben, können ihr Nehle gerne kontaktieren
(E-Mail: nehlehoffer(at)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Launch of the Sustainable Lifestyle Awards, Start der Nachhaltiger-Lifestyle-Preise

The first Sustainable Lifestyle Awards for high school students has recently started. This means that selected pilot high school student groups from Finland and Germany try out a new concept and tools to learn about and get active on sustainable lifestyle. The pilot project is organised by One Did It and the UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaboration Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, CSCP.

Die ersten Preisausschreiben zu nachhaltigen Lebensstilen für SchülerInnen weiterführender Schulen haben begonnen. Das bedeutet, dass ausgewählte Schülergruppen aus Finnland und Deutschland ein neues Konzept und Hilfsmittel zum Lernen und Aktiv werden für nachhaltige Lebensstile ausprobieren. Das Pilotprojekt wird von One Did It und dem UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaboration Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, CSCP organisiert.

We are very excited to hear feedback and experiences from the participants. Our aim is to further develop this concept and make it accessible for larger audience around Europe.

Wir sind gespannt auf Feedback und Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer. Unser Ziel ist es, dieses Konzept weiterzuentwickeln und einem größeren Publikum europaweit zugänglich zu machen.

In the pilot phase the concept is based on following features:

In der Pilotphase basiert das Konzept auf folgenden Grundzügen:

1. An introduction to the sustainable lifestyle issue. We prepared some material for this purpose. You can find the material in English, German and Finnish. You are free to use it but please let us know what you and your students think about it by sending your comments to Marja Salo (

1. Eine Einführung in das Thema Nachhaltiger Lebensstil. Wir haben dafür Material vorbereitet. Sie haben Zugriff zu dem Material auf Englisch, Deutsch und Finnisch. Sie können es gerne verwenden, aber bitte geben Sie uns Rückmeldung, was Sie und Ihre SchülerInnen davon halten, indem Sie Ihre Bemerkungen an Marja Salo senden (

2. The features of the One Did It website, especially the eco-backpack test, eco-actions and the recently released groups feature.

2. Die Angebote auf der One Did It-Website, insbesondere der Ökologischer-Rucksack-Test, die Öko-Aktionen und das kürzlich dazugekommene Gruppen-Feature.

3. Activity of the students to take eco-actions and come up with new ways to contribute to more sustainable consumption and lifestyle.

3. Das Aktiv werden der SchülerInnen über Öko-Aktionen und Ideen für neue Möglichkeiten, zu nachhaltigerem Konsum und Lebensstil beizutragen.

There will be also a little competition between the student groups since the most active group will be awarded with a special prize after the pilot phase of the project is finished. We’ll look forward to share the first experiences of the project in a conference called “The Future of Sustainable Products and Services” in Essen 28.-29.9.2009. The winner of the pilot phase and outcomes of the project will be presented in December in Brussels.

Es wird auch einen kleinen Wettstreit zwischen den Schülergruppen geben, da die aktivste Gruppe mit einem besonderen Preis ausgezeichnet wird, wenn die Pilotphase des Projekts beendet ist. Wir freuen uns darauf, auf der Konferenz „The Future of Sustainable Products and Services“ in Essen vom 28. bis 29.09.2009 von ersten Projekterfahrungen zu berichten. Die Gewinner der Pilotphase und die Ergebnisse des Projekts werden im Dezember in Brüssel vorgestellt werden.

Before that we wish good luck for all the participants!

Bis dahin wünschen wir allen Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen viel Erfolg!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The weight of kilowatts in our eco-backpacks

It is easy to say that I eat vegetarian two times a week or that I rode 100 kilometres by bike this month. What about energy? How many kilowatts did you save today? The truth is that we need better metering systems to keep us better updated about the energy use at home. While we wait for the smart systems we should still pay attention to energy use. Turn down the thermostat, plug out, switch off and turn off the (hot) tap. But how much does the energy use add weight to our eco-backpacks?

Energy makes about one fifths typical EU citizen eco-backpack. This means roughly 6000 kilograms. This includes heating, electricity use, gas etc. If you’d like to save some kilograms and kilowatts and make a difference you could for instance:

Turn off one 40 W light bulb for 10 h and save almost 1 kg

Wash one full load of dishes instead of two half loads and save more than 2 kg

Cut off hot water for one minute and save almost 1 kg

Wash laundry in 40⁰C instead of 60⁰C and save about 1 kg

Hang dry one load of laundry outdoors instead of tumble drier and save more than 5 kg (it is true that it consumes multiple times more energy to dry your laundry than to wash it).

Have you came across with the news from Vermont U.S. where rebellious people fight for their “Right To Dry” clothes outdoors? Watch the news clip.

Join the rebellious clothesline movement and pick a few other eco-actions to drop off few kilograms from your eco-backpack.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Where does all the stuff come from – the Story of Stuff

Have you already heard about the video called The Story of Stuff? Even the New York Times wrote a front page story about it. What is it all about? As the title of the film says, it is a story about the stuff we consume. What is actually needed along the lifecycle to produce, distribute and get rid of it? And even more importantly, why do we consume so much stuff?

The 20-minute well made film with clear and simple arguments illustrates well the material flows, pollution and social inequalities related to production, consumption and disposal of stuff. The video shows all the issues that are hidden from us when we go shopping. In that sense the idea goes hand in hand with the ecological backpack concept, make visible the hidden flows required to produce a certain item.

The point is that we don’t actually pay the full price for the products we buy. The externalities like environmental costs and inhumane working conditions of production are not included in the price tag. What is even more important in my opinion is the critique towards the consumer culture. The current pace of buying and getting rid of stuff is certainly not sustainable. Telling people not to consume is not very efficient if people really believe they need all the new gadgets, larger homes and so on. But when you realise how the needs actually created by the advertisements and the pressure of the consumer culture, it is much easier to ask oneself if the needs are real or not.

The SoS film has been widely used by teachers in the United States to supplement the traditional materials because of the lack of important information about pollution and climate change. When we have presented the One did it concept in conferences, every time people ask when our site will be available in other languages and how they could use the site and material for education purposes. We know that some teachers have already used our site on their classes but wanted to provide something more.

During the Finnish sustainable consumption campaign week (Nuukuusviikko) in spring 2009 we provided some material for schools and other interested organisations to arrange a simple contest to raise awareness about ecological backpack concept. At the moment we are working together with the UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, CSCP on a pilot project for introducing some electronic material and new concepts to bring sustainable lifestyle issues to high school classes. The pilot project will start in September 2009 in Germany and Finland. The learnings will be presented in two conferences in Germany and Belgium before the end of the year. We look forward to launch the concept for a wider audience after the pilot phase. We’ll keep you updated about the developments.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Break the routine

We love the holiday season don’t we? Especially the possibility to break routines is great. You know spend time and effort on things we really love to do. The change in routines can be either positive or negative from the environmental perspective but that is not the main point here. Important is that during holiday we have time and energy to question some the locked-in habits of our everyday life.

It would be great to see the routine breaking mindset more often out of the holiday season too. When following discussions about sustainable lifestyles and practices there is no debate without comments like “sounds like a good idea but in Normal life of Normal people it is impossible”. I bet there are definitely normal people telling their stories about slow travel, bicycle commuting, reusable nappies and vegetarian (or even vegan)cooking to take a few examples.

Even if we are not ready to turn our whole life upside down at once we can find some of the issues so inspiring that we decide to break our routine and take a try. We all are familiar with the feeling that we want to do something better or differently. It is much easier to break the habit if we have some concrete advice to start with. Small changes don’t need to be complicated we just need the holiday type of mindset to make the (pro-environment) change. Let’s hold on to the open-minded attitude while we are back to our desks and everyday life.